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Bill Arms

  Easter - Into the Blue

Taos artist, Bill Arms, known locally for his larger-than-life bronze sculptures, first exhibited as part of PureGroup with a personal retrospective of some never-before-shown canvases grouped around political and religious themes.

His new show, Men Of Taos, are large mixed media paintings featuring men from the community of Taos. Real estate agents; construction workers; artists; musicians - a whole range of men are represented in this work. While crafting this new body of work, Bill Arms looked for the independent and unique depths in his subjects, for the rough edges as well as the smooth, for the primitive spark in their souls which echos the local New Mexican landscape. He sought out a western edge that is unique to that person. A western feeling that is mostly tough but can also be soft.  
Select a thumbnail of a given piece to see it at a fuller size:
Men Of Taos

The Dreamer The Flute Player Neptune The Bhudha
The Magician Manscape Patriot of the Revolution Man in Indian Blanket
The Warrior The Cowboy The Swordsman Easter - Into the Blue


Black Madonna Cycles of the Rio Grande Dennis We Love You Physicians Politicians

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